Rental Program
Students: If you would like to rent books online, you MUST be logged in to view rentals. Once logged in, you will see "Rental" as an option while choosing book condition and pricing info.
Rental books must be returned to The Maverick Store or any Buyback location for check in before 4pm on Friday of Finals Week. Rentals not returned before the deadline will be subject to late fees and/or non-return charges.
What is the Rental Program?
The textbook rental program began as a pilot during the 2009-2010 academic year. Since then the program has grown, becoming one of the largest sources where students obtain the textbooks they need for class. The purpose of the program is to offer Colorado Mesa University students (with a MAVcard) a lower-priced alternative to purchasing textbooks.
How are rentals priced?
Rental textbooks are priced at 40 percent off the price of a new book (compared to the used book price of 25 percent off).
Is my rental fee refundable?
Rentals may be returned for a refund during the first week of class, or within 2 business days of rental.
How long is the rental period?
Each book is rented for the duration of the course - the full semester in fall or spring, or the duration of the session in summer or J-Term.
How do I rent a book?
Titles available for rent are clearly marked with a "RENTAL" sticker on the shelf tag. As with any purchase, use your class schedule to find your books.
If you're shopping online, you will have the option to choose "rent" on eligible titles while you browse through books. You will pay for your rental at this time, the same as with any purchase.
How do I return a rented book?
At the end of the class term, or whenever you are finished using the book, just bring your rental back to The Maverick Store, and we'll check it in. All rentals are due back to the bookstore no later than 4pm on the Friday of finals week. In most cases, rentals may also be checked in during Finals Week at any remote Buyback location Rentals must be returned in resalable condition. Some writing and highlighting is allowed. However, water damage, missing or torn pages or covers are not allowed. Books not in resalable condition will need to be purchased (we'll apply your rental fee toward the purchase).
What if I decide I'd like to keep the book?
You may purchase your rented book at any point during the rental period. We'll apply your rental fee toward the purchase price.
What if I lose or destroy a rental book?
You will need to purchase a lost or damaged rental. We will apply your rental fee toward the purchase price. Please let us know a soon as possible, however. We'll have more flexibility in resolving the matter if you are still in your rental period.
What if I don't return a rental book?
All rentals are due back to The Maverick Store by 4pm the Friday of finals week. Books that are not returned until the following week are subject to a late fee of $5 per business day. Rental books that are not returned by the following Friday will be charged as 'lost' (Purchase Price - Rental Fee + $25 = Lost Rental Charge). By signing at the time of rental, you are agreeing to return your rental within the required period and in resaleable condition.
Why the fees?
The success of the Rental Program depends upon the timely return of rentals. Rentals that are damaged or not resalable will need to be replaced at the expense of the person responsible for the rented book.
Why aren't all my books available for rental?
To make as many titles as possible available for rental, we work with several outside companies; however some titles are not eligible for any rental programs. These may include older editions, single-use items, custom items, and others. Rental availability is updated each term, based on the most current information.
What is resalable condition?
All rented books must be returned in good condition for the next person to rent. Please take care not to damage your rental books, and keep highlighting and writing to a minimum. Unacceptable damages include, but are not limited to:
- Cover or any pages torn or missing
- Excessive highlighting or writing in anything other than pencil
- Any water damage
- Missing additional components
Damage is determined at the discretion of store management. Books deemed to be in non-resalable condition must be purchased.